
时间:2022-08-18 18:10:05 来源:网友投稿




 离婚协议书 Divorce Agreement

  男方姓名 Name of Man:

  出生年月 Date of Birth :

  民族 Nation :

 身份证号 ID:


 女方姓名 Name of Woman:

  出生年月 Date of Birth:

  民族 Nation:

 身份证号 ID:


  双方于 XX 年 XX 月 XX 日在吉林省人民政府办理结婚登记手续。

  We both on August XXth of XXyear obtained the legal marriage registration in the People"s Government of Jilin Province.

  现因双方性格不合无法共同生活, 夫妻感情已完全破裂, 就自愿离婚一事达成如下协议:

 Now because both sides have cultural and character differences, which have caused both husband and wife completely not able to live together anymore, both sides have decided to enter into the following agreement of divorce:

 一、 双方自愿解除夫妻关系。

  1. Both sides agree to dissolve the marriage voluntarily.

 二、 财产分割

 Division of Property

 (1) 双方认可婚后分开居住期间各自收入归各自所有的约定;

 Both sides agree they can have their own respective income.

 (2)双方确认无其它共同债权、 无共同债务。

 Both sides have confirmed they do not have any other common creditor"s rights of debts.

 三、 离婚后, 一方不得干扰另一方的生活, 不得向第三方泄漏另一方的个人隐私, 不得有故意损坏另一方名誉的行为。

 After the divorce agreement becomes effective, the parties cannot disturb each other’s

 life, cannot betray each other’s personal privacy to anyone, and cannot ruin each other’s reputation.

  四、 双方确认对方是完全民事行为能力的人, 能够自行处分自己的行为和财产。

 Both the man and the women shall have complete civil capacity; they can dispose their property by themselves.

 五、 本协议经双方签字后, 待有效的法律文书生效时具有法律效力。

 双方承诺对该协议书的字词义非常清楚, 并愿意完全履行本协议书, 不存在受到胁迫、 欺诈、 误解情形。

 After both sides sign the agreement, it will have legal effect when the effective legal documents have taken effect.

 六、 本协议书一式三份, 甲乙双方各执一份, 婚姻登记部门保留一份。

 在双方签字, 并经婚姻登记机关办理相应手续后生效。

 This agreement is in triplicate, both sides shall hold one copy, the marriage registration department will keep one copy.

  Man 男方:

 Woman 女方:



  D Y



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